Crimsonova Castle: Red Scrod  Charles Spencer continues the story by by lobo

Teresa Lisbon dropped her keys into the bowl on the kitchen top and stepped out of her flat heeled shoes.   Shrugging out of her jacket she headed for the bedroom for a shower & change.     Minutes later she was under the hot rushing water as it cascaded down her back and all the day's stress washed away.   Already she was thinking of a nice glass of red and hot homemade lasagne her mother had dropped in over the weekend four days before.   Out the freezer & into the oven for 30 minutes then slob out on the couch in front of the TV.

***** Later

She dragged her feet, dressed in pretty red but very high heel strap shoes, her body bent over as though drunk or exhausted.  The man smiled at the doorman behind the desk then announced "Awful migraine, poor thing.  Had it for days now.  She's been sick twice.  I'm taking her to the hospital; they may keep her in so don't worry if she's gone a couple of days", as he half carried, half walked her across the foyer to the backdoor entrance.   She meanwhile was struggling desperately just to make sense of what was happening; to make herself heard and get free, but that was beyond her now.   She remembered what had happened up stairs.


She had came out of the shower with a towel around her body and another over her hair towelling furiously; her head down so she hadn't seen, and probably wouldn't have noticed anyway, the figure standing just behind the door.  Suddenly, a latex-gloved hand whipped over her mouth and gripped her jaw tightly whilst the other grabbed across her chest just beneath her breasts, and then she saw and felt the syringe and the injection in her arm.    He held her quietly for a few minutes as the drug took effect all the time whispering in her ear.

"Teresa, don't worry I'm going to take you to meet your friends.  Everything will be fine now.  You will see your friends and then Patrick can try and rescue you all so he & I can finish things finally."   
These were the last words she really understood for some minutes as her body collapsed and she fell face down on the bed and she, already realizing this was her worst nightmare, feared the worst. The drug was plainly a mild tranquillizer; she was fully aware of all that going on in the room but totally unable to speak or move her limbs, as he pulled over the small holdall he had placed on her floor.  The bag seemed full & heavy and, as the bed rocked down beside her, her head turned sideways to watch his hands pull out the hanks of rope followed by the roll of duct tape and other things she couldn't yet recognize. Her heart beat slowed slightly as she realized he was not there to kill her now but wanted to take her away somehow.

She struggled desperately to roll over onto her back but her arms and legs refused any instructions from her brain. Her fingers crabbed & clawed & pulled at the bedspread. The man  quickly knelt beside her and pulled her hands together behind her back, then pushed each one inwards so her hands bent up and her fingers pointed to the bottom of her hair.  Little did she know then she was about to find herself subject to her first "Reverse Prayer" arm tie, as she felt him looping thin hard rope around her wrists.    Round and round he went pulling all the strands tight then he changed direction and went between the wrists cinching it extra tight.   Her wrist bones scrunched together and her shoulders struggled to keep up.   She screamed inwardly, although no noise other than an soft sigh escaped her open mouth, as a loop of rope was pulled around her arms just by her elbows and tightened fiercely until, again, her joints, this time her elbows crunched together. Again the strands were pulled tight then cinched off and the effect pulled her shoulders back so far she felt her sockets would break.  A double strand of the thin rope was pushed between her bent arms, around her upper body below her breasts then connected as a loop and pulled very tight sealing her arms into the small of her back.  Rolling her slack body one way, then back, he continued looping above and below her breasts until her arms were locked down.   Another loop was pulled through the windings below her breasts then wound around the upper loops and pulled which brought the two loops closer together squeezing her breasts painfully then the two ends were taken either side of her neck to meet around the cinch on her wrists, pulled then spilt again either side to be knotted carefully and tightly between her breasts.  

Her fingers waved forlornly in the air as they brushed her bobbed hair at her neck.  Already her breasts were more prominent due to her shoulders being pulled back but this rope made it worse and they stood out even more; she almost had a decent bust at last she thought grimly, if only it wasn't so painful.   Moving down she felt him loop a very tight rope around her waist which once pulled reduced it by some 2 inches.   The ends knotted then pulled down between her legs and he prodded her legs opened to make certain the rope hit the desired spot right between in the middle of her groin and through her vagina.   He fed it through the ropes around her lower arms and back to the front but left it loose she felt.  She had expected him to tie it firmly tight like the other ropes.

But he left the two ends hanging down and went back to his bag and brought out to show her two long inserts;  one absolutely massive, at least 8 inches long and bumpy, shaped like a man's cock, and about 2 1/2 inches in diameter which he proceeded to push firmly without any lubrication into her vagina still wet from her shower, then he showed her the other, smaller, shorter, shaped more like a mushroom and he also showed how this was inflatable as he squeezed a little bowl of rubber.   It expanded frighteningly and in her haze she wondered where it was going.   He reached in again to the bag and found a tube of lubricant, smeared the insert carefully all over, then she felt the most horrendous pain and pressure in her back passage, where nothing previously had ever been inserted, but it was going in, until finally she felt the warmth of his hand against her bottom. Grasping the rope ends he suddenly pulled very hard and, in her mind, she felt the rope was cutting her into two right up between legs.   The rope from her waist was brought down between her legs over the two inserts up to her arms and  then back to the front three times until finally the ends were knotted off tight on the waist band and  she realized the inserts were not coming out without human help.

Moving down she felt more like burning sensation around the top of her thighs and then just above her knees as more rounds of wire tight twine was looped and cinched around. Pausing he looked at her and smiled the smile of a mentally deranged killer. She struggled around on her bed covers as sensation slowly returned to her limbs, fed by the biting of twine into her skin. He was smiling, as she noticed from the corner of her eye, as he walked away from her out of range and she heard the rustle of her drawers in her bedroom furniture.   He came back into eyesight holding in his hand various pairs of, what looked like, her panties.   He reached down to the floor and picked up both the pair she had just taken off and her black tights she had worn all day.   A quick movement and he palmed a knife from his belt then cut the left leg off her tights.  

"Now I need to make certain you are very, very quiet so I can get out of here without having to hurt anyone else." and she watched, fascinated with fear, as he made a knot about midway down the tights leg then started to tuck her panties down inside the leg against the knot.   Each pair he held up for her approval before pushing it down, some thin & silky but two other pairs of ordinary cotton pants and then the black pair of boy pants from that day.   He pressed all the cloth together and tied another knot against them making a large ball of cloth about the size of a small grapefruit in the middle of the black gauzy cloth.     She turned her head away having worked out where this was going and kept her mouth shut but he, very simply, using thumb and finger squeezed into the bottom of her jaw, made her open her mouth as the pain made her loosen her mouth muscles.   The edge of the ball was pressed to her lips and by dint of his pressure started to move into her mouth.   It wasn't going to fit she tried to scream and it did take some time before most of it was inside her mouth.  Putting his thumbs against the middle with his hands either side of her face he pushed the last bit inexorably behind her white shiny teeth.  The ball immediately grew back to full size; or at least as large as her mouth was.  Her tongue was flat in the bottom of her jaw and she was only able to move her jaw very slightly against the pressure of the cloth.  No way was she going to be able to push it out herself and she suspected, even if she had the full use of her hands, she would still have had difficulty in getting it out.   The drug was almost faded but the only sound she could make was a mild gurgle which sounded like she was clearing her throat and would not be heard by anyone as a cry for help.

In view of this she was aghast, when he took the ends of the tights and knotted them savagely at the base of her neck against her finger tips.  The ends hung down her naked back tickling her skin but the huge wad of cloth was firmly lodged behind her teeth and her jaw was already aching from being fixed so wide.   The cloth easily soaked up all the drool even though she could still swallow.  She drew a large breath through her nose and tried to scream as loud as she could...then stopped dead as the slight extra widening of her mouth pulled the cloth bundle right to the back of her throat and she started to gag.   Not good she quickly decided.   Choking & coughing with her mouth this full would simply cause her to lose consciousness.   She saw through tearing eyes he was leaning over her as he moved her legs down until they were on the floor then knelt in front of her.    She tried desperately to move her legs and to kick but there was just no response from her muscles, still too weak from the drug and the shock to all senses.   She felt him feed her feet into the shoes and straps being tightened around her ankles as the arching of her feet made her realize these were the only pair of high heeled stilettos she owned, at least 4 inch heels; she had been given them by a previous boyfriend who liked her to wear them to strut around the bedroom.   He had not lasted long but the shoes outlived him; she had forgotten she still had them.   She hadn't seen them for some years since and wondered how he'd managed to find them in the back of her wardrobe.

He started pulling her upright so she sat on the bed as her body tried to squeeze sideways under the pain of her bonds.   Then he sat beside her and helped her stay upright as he took a thin twine and made a loop with a slip knot.   This he placed down the base of her right breast then pulled and lassoed the warm red flesh.   Round and round he wound the twine until her breast ballooned out with the nipple pointing ahead.    The twine was knotted off, then the same done to her left breast.   She looked as though she had two bloated inflated balloons on her chest which were rapidly changing from warm flesh tones to an engorged, angry, maroon colour.  Both breasts and nipples were now very, very sensitive.   And from the never-empty bag he drew a roll of duct tape and some other things which she couldn't see properly.   Then her eyes rolled above her eyeline and she actually saw stars behind her eyelids as a small metal clip was attached to each nipple.   A  cross of tape over each meant they were not coming off except by human endeavour.  The clips were joined by around 18 inches of fine chain which now hung to her navel.

He found her phone on the bedside table, showed it to her then taped the phone to the middle of the chain.    This pulled her nipples down and brought extra pain to her engorged breasts.   Picking up the roll of duct tape again he placed one end on her left cheek then started to unroll it across her open mouth.  On around her head, underneath her hair then back around; four times he went around her face until there was a solid hand off hard unyielding plastic tape from below her nose to her chin.    She tried to move her jaw and there was no movement possible.

"Now let's do something about those little pinkies; wouldn't want them undoing all my good work"
She almost laughed as she & he knew it would be impossible for her to loosen her bonds but she felt his fingers press her fingers into a fist, then felt the sticky wrap of duct tape around her left hand until it was a round blob of silver tape; followed by her right hand.  Now there was no way for her to find any knots.

Reaching into the bag he pulled out a clear plastic bag in which were two skin coloured pads, picking the backing off the reverse to leave the sticky side he gently pressed one over each eye then took up her dark glasses and put them her.   From the outside she simply looked like somebody with dark glasses on, whereas she herself was absolutely blind.     Reaching over to the end of her bed head he found her long, multi patterned, cotton scarf she used to keep the chill out of an evening and now wrapped that tightly around her face over her nose, tied at the back of her neck then brought the ends back around her neck like a cravat.   

Standing he pulled her upright and left her teetering as he took her raincoat from the hook by the door.    Placing it over her shoulders he belted up the front so it would not show her various bonds nor naked state.    The sleeves he pushed into the pockets then took her handbag and placed it over her shoulder diagonally so it would not fall.  Finally he picked up a small back pack he had found of hers and worked the straps over both shoulders.   Sadly she realised this would cover her arms so no-one would see their position high on her back.    With despair, she realised no-one would know her real state and she was totally unable to communicate to them.   

"Right Teresa, now to walk out of here.  Now remember we can take our time but if you cause any problems I will probably have to kill someone else and you do not want that on your conscience, especially as you won't be able to see who it is.  So just walk with me, I'll take it slow, and we'll get out OK.   Then you can wait for Patrick to come and rescue you.   OK, just nod if you can't speak." and he chuckled as he steered her to the door and on to the lift.    She had not seen him use her lipstick to draw the final smiley face on the mirror by her door as they left.


This is how she ended up taking very small steps across the foyer of her own apartment block, helped by her "friend" who in actual fact kept her rigid and moving as fast as her tightly tied legs would work.    Past the doorman, he helped her down the three steps for the back door to his car just outside.     To anyone looking he was solicitous in helping his passenger into the car and belting her into her seat.   In actual fact he was very carefully crossing her ankles and tying them with rounds of cinched twine and then securing them back again to the support of the seat.  Her weight and position sitting bolt upright also meant the two inserts were pushed even further in and she tried to shuffle her bottom forward out of the seat but to no avail.  He was bringing her seatbelt over and then seemed to arrange the headrest.  Actually, he fumbled for the ends of the gag and tied them firmly around the headrest supports.   Her head was fixed looking straight ahead although her breathing was not affected; that was bad enough already as she could get no air through her mouth and was breathing through the cotton scarf over her nose.  Moving slowly he put the bag in the trunk walked the driver's side climbed in and drove off.

Teresa was, as far as the CBI was concerned, now a disappeared person.   She could neither see nor speak and was in so much pain from all the various ropes and fixings around her body as well as the two inserts busy working their way in from her weight sat down.    The journey was only some 40 minutes but felt like hours as her mind threatened to shut down with the sheer terror of what had happened.  She tried to remember her training; count seconds, remember turns, listen for noises but the terror was too great.

He drove steadily, obeying both speed limits & road signs; no need to get pulled over now after all the hard work.   Some 40 minutes later when Teresa was just starting to hyperventilate from pain & stress she felt the movement of the car slow and come to a hlt.  Unable to see or speak let alone move she sat twitching as she felt the car rock and the door slam.  He had got out.   Her door opened, she felt slight breeze on her cheek, then felt his fingers loosening her neck from the seat rest; at long last he could move her head around and waggle her shoulders.  His fingers loosed her feet then he pulled them out and she slid sideways.   Reaching in he pulled her up and steadied her then pulled her along what felt to her a slightly spongy surface.   She could not see they had parked on a wooden jetty next to a 40ft modern cruiser, which had seen better days but showed care & attention.  The high flying bridge covered with a canvas canopy to keep the harsh California sun off the helmsman whilst the windows of the cabin were slightly slid open.  She could hear the sounds of the sea and the bumping of hulls against the dock and lanyards against masts

Carefully he helped her to walk round the car and up to the boat gangway then pushed her gently up and onto the deck.  Leaving her waving in the sun he unlocked the cabin door then grabbed her again and pulled her through.  A short set of steps led down and he just lifted her down then sat her at a seat around the table.   He did not need to tie her feet, she was imprisoned there being unable to climb the stairs even if she could see.

Teresa just fell face first onto the table.  He body now a mass of pain and aches; her mind had changed from highly trained cop to frightened, scared and hurting young woman.  Fear took over.

Her hearing had become hypersensitive as she heard his footsteps up the stairs.   She froze as she heard faint sounds of wheezing and whistling near her.  She could not see on the other side of the cabin, lying on the floor, Grace in a stringent tie.   She was also in a Reverse Prayer, today's special on the menu obviously.  But this was not a simple tie.  A myriad of ropes welded her arms to her back, he had even managed to run ropes around her lower arms drawing her elbows almost together, a position which the human body is not designed to attain unless she was double jointed; and Grace was not.   Ropes both above and below her ample breasts squeezed them tight and also kept her arms from moving.  All was cinched with other lengths backwards, forwards, upwards & downwards.     Her legs however were frogtied, ankle to each upper thigh but with her lower limbs splayed slightly outside her thighs so she rested on both calf & thigh.    This widened her position making it more difficult to roll over.    Again all was heavily cinched in a lattice of rope so her heel pressed into the back of her thigh.  Her ankles had been turned however towards her butt and tied tightly down to her waist rope so stopping any movement of her feet or toes to gain momentum.   As you looked around her butt what became obvious was the rope crotch tie, numerous lengths back & forth then tied off tightly at her belly.   Through the ropes you could glimpse the black plastic oblong seated over her arsehole; she knew it was a sizeable, solid butt plug which he had pushed & prodded past her sphincter with deliberate glee.   Moving downward you would see around 3" of pink plastic protruding from her vagina; again she had been shown this in all its glory before insertion, around 8" long, 3" dia and knobbly like a human penis.  The thin wire trailing from the end wove between the ropes and ended at a small control box taped to her hip.  The batteries had long ago run down and she now just had the dull ache of expanded flesh which grated on the ropes every time she tried to rearrange her position.

Her mouth was covered by black vet wrap as were her eyes and judging how far her chin was from her nose, her mouth was packed to absolute bursting by something ( a very large sponge ball in fact which was then covered by numerous lengths of sticky duct tape under the wrap which made it airtight).    By far the worst was the length of twine looped around her sightless eyes then back connecting to each thumb, pulling her head up so her eyes faced forwards.    She was locked in a agony and unable to rock or move anywhere, and to gain rest for her neck muscles she had to endure mindless pain in her thumbs as it felt she was pulling them from their joints but to relieve her thumbs she had to keep her head lifted putting enormous strain on her neck.

To some she would look like a huge pink frog caught in a rope net (for she was absolutely nude except for the ropes); waiting to be released from the lattice of tight twine so she could leap off to shelter.  In fact she had found she was not leaping anywhere.  It may have seemed art to some; to Grace it was excruciating.    An hour of trying had shown she had so little control over any muscle group she could not move an inch.    The stringent gag slowed her oxygen intake such she was now just concentrating on breathing...staying alive.    Her mind had moved into a kind of space where she had no real conscious thoughts but she existed as a semi-conscious automaton.

In the centre of the cabin stood Cindy; well stood was slightly extreme as she was firmly and safely secured to the pillar rising from floor to roof.   Being Red John he had enjoyed this also. Tight thin straps started at her shoulders, under her armpits and tightened down.  Another below her breasts.   Another cinched her waist down two inches whilst yet another went around her hips and the last around her upper thighs.   Her arms went behind the pillar and were fixed themselves firmly together, the pillar was sufficiently small he had almost managed to make her elbows join behind it.  Only an inch of space could be seen.   However she was not standing, a rope was cinched between her elbow strap then reached to a bolt in the ceiling, because she was not standing but hanging.  He had bent her legs back behind the pillar and up to her bottom, strapped the ankles crosswise and then tightened longer straps over her thighs and calves.   This also widened her thighs so anyone could see the inches of pink plastic poking out of her crack through the ropes of her crotch belt; you could not see the black plastic end over her butt.    She would have been in a kneeling hogtie except she was some 2 ft off the ground.  Her entire weight was taken by all those straps and the rope now pulling her arms painfully upwards.

Like Grace her mouth had obviously been stuffed full, covered with duct tape then more vet wrap wound over her head leaving just her button nose poking through.  Her head lolled on her shoulder as she moved between conscious & unconscious state.  The only sign of life was the small heaves of her rib cage as she tried to get air into her tortured cramped lungs.  The pain, muscle cramps, ache in her jaw and sexual torment over the last few days had finally driven her over the edge and she cared nothing now for her future.  She just wished to be free.
Teresa saw none of this but soon realised through her own haze of pain she was not alone.    She had her ears free so could hear the slight wheezes and gasps from others even though she could not see them.  What she did not know is if the others were friend or foe; and if friend how badly were they hurt otherwise they would have come to her rescue.

They all three heard the engines start and the rhythmic vibration jog the boat.    Then they felt the boat start to rise and fall on the slight swell as he headed out to sea.   A faint breeze wafted through the cabin as the boat gathered speed.     A couple of hours went by in absolute agony  as they all felt the movement of the cruiser through the gentle swell.   Then Teresa heard his heavy footsteps on the roof above and the hatch door opening.   Her head came up and moved blindly trying to pinpoint the direction as she heard him climb down the few stairs.

"Ladies, we are far enough out now and away from the normal lanes I think I can let you loose....a bit.     You have been really very good over the last few hours so a drink and some food and a toilet break are needed.    After all I don't wish to kill you; could have done that hours ago.   No you are all bait for Patrick.  I left some clues at Teresa's and I know he will be clever enough to work his way through and follow you so I need you alive till then.   Now who's first.   I think Grace; she has been tied longest and really doesn't look that happy on the floor.   Going to have to untie the ropes though, I will need them again and I don't have an endless supply here."

Kneeling down he started by loosening the twine connecting her head and thumbs, whereupon her head flopped down and clunked on the hard timber deck.  Luckily the vet wrap and tape cushioned the impact somewhat and anyway she was past caring.   Slowly he undid, untied, unwrapped and loosened the myriad of ropes about her body until she lay flat face down still with her head encased and the crotch rope still enclosing her prods.   They all heard the jangling of chains then Grace felt him raise her trunk and slide something wide & flat beneath her waist.   This was a belt which buckled in the small of her back.   Rolling her over she felt her wrists encircled by handcuffs.   These were prison restraints so the cuffs were linked by around 14" of chain which was itself looped through a steel ring on a wide tough leather belt.

Grabbing an arm he half lifted her to the table then sat her down.  With a very muffled screech she jumped up as the vaginal prod hit the chair seat and threatened to damage her insides by being pushed too far.   She shuffled her bottom forward so whilst sitting on the butt plug the dildo extended beyond the edge of the seat.   She felt him join her feet by ankle cuffs around the table legs but again she seemed to have movement so they were not joined close.

"Leave your head a minute, please Grace.  Just like Xmas it will be nice if you unwrap you heads together.  OK, on to the next one.   Cindy I think, you two have been tied longer than Teresa as I left you whilst I went to collect her"  he chortled.   Grace was just grateful to get some feeling back into her limbs and the blood flow into her extremities was excruciating anyway.

Red moved on to Cindy, letting her feet down first so she was standing, then removing the rest of her straps.    Being straps not ropes it was much quicker and very soon she was perched on another chair on the opposite side of the table to Grace, also in her prison restraints attached to the solid table leg.

Finally he moved to Teresa as the ropes came off.   She started to move her fingers and arms to get circulation back but most of all wanted, needed, her gag off.   Her jaw now ached and all the saliva had long since been soaked up by the sack in her mouth.

As he sat her down, her hands moved to the tape pads over her eyes and for the first time for hours she blinked in the dim light inside the cabin.    She gasped as she saw her friends with their wrapped heads but bodies showing the mottled, raw signs of the tight restraints.    Her fingers moved to find an end on the tape over her mouth as Grace & Cindy also tried to find an end, then slowly started to tilt and move their heads as the cloth unravelled.    Soon all three women could see and were trying to loosen sticky tape from their face & hair.

Whilst they were no longer in excruciating agony their movement was still very much restricted: just no longer were they in agonizing positions: at least being able to talk and have a well-earned drink would make them feel human again. All three were now working feverishly on their heads.  Grace being the stronger was quickly able to unwrap the tape then slowly use both her  hands to ease out the enormous sponge ball he had somehow managed to cram, push and prod behind her teeth.   Slowly the dripping mass was crushed and squeezed until it plopped out and rolled away on the floor.   Cindy by now had also realised she could do something to help herself and was also unwrapping tape.   Her gag insert was, it seemed three or four large men's cotton handkerchiefs.   In fact he had only managed two but the amount of cloth she spewed out seemed to go on forever like a magician drawing scarves for his sleeves; one after another after......

Teresa was the last one as she had more individual bits to loosen and the duct tape had glued firmly to her hair.    She was left with the stocking tied between her teeth and that huge lump filling her mouth leaving her mouth gaping open showing the brown gauzy filling.    However she worked, the stocking was too tight and she was unable to loosen the knot, as he saw when he came back carrying a plastic jug and three plastic glasses on a tray.    Reaching over to the shelf he found his bandage scissors and cut the stocking by her cheek and she then reached in and it took easily 20 seconds for her to knead and squeeze and otherwise reduce the huge sodden lump in her mouth until she could ease it through her aching jaw.   And for 10 minutes they were all freaked, they all started talking at once, shouting swearing and letting rip.  With a quick smile and lifted finger over his lips, he shushed them.

"Now shush.   Just enjoy your freedom and drink.  In a few minutes you can each use the toilet, one at a time, and then I'll leave you to chat while I make some food. Your are not going to be harmed but I just need put you out of the way for some time until Patrick works his magic to find you, and me."    One at a time he loosened their ankle chains so they could stagger to the little toilet cubicle.   
"Grace you have two minutes maximum.   Don't make me have to come and get you as I won't.  I'll just hurt your friends instead."   Grace could see now was not the time so did her thing, splashed water over her hands & face and came back to sit down where the ankles chains were again put round the immovable table leg which she could see was bolted firmly to the timber deck.  The others followed and were re-secured to the table.   Drinking through straws they slaked their thirst as he then brought in a passable pasta dish with side salad and suggested they tuck in as it was eat or starve; he cared not.

Leaving them to eat, with a small plastic tea spoon he provided each with, they discussed their position and Grace brought Teresa up to date on the how if not the why; Teresa knew that part.   It had been two days since they had been "rescued" from the sea after their dive.   After their introduction to Red John the boat had meandered slowly back to the coast as John sated his sexual fantasy of taking cops.  Both women were taken in all three orifices over a number of hours, it seemed his stamina assisted by a little blue pill at half time.   Most of the time they were stringently bound during the assault.   Afterwards, all three were exhausted so the two women were staked out, nude, like starfish on the deck for "some sunbathing" as he put it whilst he sat in the cool under the awning sipping beer.    Another couple of hours during which Grace said she & Cindy even managed to doze off went by when John spied another boat on the horizon, as they were only about an hour out of the marina.   
Realising this meant they were getting closer to civilisation and observation he moved them both downstairs.    He had then tied them up in a fiendish manner head to foot; i.e. 69.    Both women had their hands firmly tied behind their backs at wrist & elbows with fine hessian twine which Grace recalled cut like wire into their already bruised flesh.   He had put Cindy on the bottom, face up and laid Grace down on top face down and head to foot.  From his never ending supply of goodies he found two double dildo gags; a large short plug filled her mouth and was strapped tightly in leaving a longer wavy end protruding.  Pushing her head down he fed this end into Cindy's wet hole and pushed hard.  Grace's nose fed into Cindy's flesh and was held there as he crossed her legs behind Grace's neck and tied more stringent twine around Cindy's thighs, knees and ankles.  Grace found she had to keep pulling her head back against Cindy's legs to breathe but the pressure of the muscles against her neck kept pushing her back; ergo a reciprocating movement.   Soon she felt the same at her vagina as it filled to capacity and then she felt the wire twine around her flesh and the sensation of Cindy moving in and out.     He had left them there as they both fucked the other for the 80 minutes it took to reach the marina.

Cindy continued the story.   After he had tied up at the lonely marina he had come back down, freed each in turn and retied them as they had been when Teresa arrived.   They had been like that for the three hours he had taken to kidnap her.

Teresa took up the story from her side explaining, bitterly, how easy it had been for him to attack her in the apartment, secure her then walk her past the doorman & others out to the car.    And now here they all were; depending upon Patrick Jane's undoubted, if unusual, methods to free them.   They knew him well and were somewhat in awe of his capabilities but really life did not look good.  

Footsteps above; he was light on his feet but plastic & wood echoed anyway.   Down the stairs he came as they looked up expectantly.   They also noticed now the engine vibrations had ceased and the boat was wallowing in the slight swell, plus the light inside was dimmer.  They had been talking so long they had not noticed the time and dusk was settling in.

"Ladies, so good of you to stay here.!    Now night time is coming and I need my beauty sleep so I will have to get you snuggled down more securely.   Long hours spent trying to escape then you batter my head in; I think not.   This has been too much fun and I, for one, don't want it to stop.    Now Cindy my love.    I'll loosen your feet and you go to the toilet again and this time you can get rid of those pesky, probably painful, inserts.   Just drop them in the shower there's a clever girl.    Now not too much time, you know what I can do to the others if you disobey me.   OK go."  And he knelt to undo one of her ankle cuffs so she could stagger off.

The others heard the sounds as she undid the rope belt and then heard two thuds as the plugs were pulled out.   Then the flushing of the chemical toilet and she reappeared, exhausted, beaten & subservient.   

"Right Cindy,   Good girl now please climb on that bunk and sit still.    I won't use rope tonight as your hands and feet are probably a bit sore so cuffs & straps it is.  Legs together please" as he strapped her ankles tightly with a narrow leather strap then moved up to just below her knees, then just above and finally her thighs.   Her legs were locked solid.   Now do not try anything as I unlock your hands.   You aren't able to go anywhere and I will hurt the others, then probably come back for you."    He unlocked both cuffs and forced her arms behind her then quickly used a normal pair of handcuffs to tighten round her upper arms above her elbows.  The chain was so short her elbows almost touched.  He followed by a final pair of Police cuffs; the ones with no chain, just a hinged link.   " I am afraid I have to make you silent and blind, I really cannot stand all that screaming, moaning, wailing all night so open wide dear."   In went a 2" dia ball liberally supplied with straps to both keep it in and stop her from opening her jaw.   Finally he strapped on a padded leather blindfold and pushed her gently back onto her side on the bunk.    Final straps secured her feet to the bunk base and her elbows to the headboard.   "Just in case you roll over Cindy, I would hate for you to fall out and injure yourself."
"Now I hate to sleep alone, I need the soft warm flesh of some lovely woman next to me to keep me warm so who will it be.   Has to be you, Teresa doesn't it.  You & I haven't had the pleasure yet and I can't wait any longer, so Grace follow Cindy and take out your prods, do your thing then come back here, quickly now."    Within five minutes Grace was lying on her side on the other bunk, done just like Cindy only her gag was full inch bigger and soon causing problems with drool.   She tried to relax and resigned herself to another sleepless night.
"Ah Teresa, just you and me now.   You can follow the others but bring your inserts along please, never know when we might need them again to keep you happy."

"Red or John or whatever your name is.  This is stupid.  Raping me just adds to the charges and we will get you in the end.  I will be there in Court to see you sentenced and it will life without parole, buddy.    So just do me like the others if you must but don't compound your crimes."

"Sorry Teresa but I have watched you for years and wondered what you fucked like and now I intend to find out.  You may enjoy it, Grace & Cindy must ask them. Oh they can't tell you can they, so sorry.   Still let's get started, good fucking time is a wasting.   Up you go but do remember what I will do to your friends if you play rough.   They really wouldn't like it I can assure you.   Now hurry up."

Teresa came out of the toilet to see Red John packing a little back pack as he motioned for her to climb the stairs before her.   At last she was in fresh air.
"I think it nice to sleep outdoors this time of year.   No rain or squalls and the air is still very warm.   So let's go to the lounge area at the back; there's a nice wide cushion seat there and we can get comfortable"

"Oh come on Red, this is crap.   I'm just a woman like all the others.  Holes here & there and all the usual buttons to push.  I'm no different to Grace or Cindy downstairs so let's just sleep here.   You've had enough sex to last this week surely"

"Oh no Teresa you are different.  Every woman is different to another in some way.   I have admired you from afar for years, sometimes from not so far afar.   One night whilst I was cleaning your office we bumped into each other.  I almost took you then but it was not the right time.  Patrick was still up his arse about all sorts of other people; taking you then would have mucked up his head horribly, taken him years to get back on track and after me again.  Now where's the fun in that.    I could have taken you from the Canteen as well.   Often served you food and cleaned the tables but hey it was more fun this way.     No this is your opportunity to shine and show me what you're made of.    Now get down the stern, lady, and let's get started."

Teresa stopped dead still as she realised the import of his words; he had been working right inside CBI HQ and no-one had noticed.  Not a wonder they had often felt he had inside information as he was always able to keep one jump ahead of them.  This was really frightening, if he could do it how many other crims had or were doing the same.

Minutes later Teresa stood numbly as she felt again the harsh pain of thin twine around her arms and elbows.   This time it was not a Reverse Prayer but straight arm tie.  Both arms wrestled behind her back then tied tightly at wrist and lower arm just above the elbow.  He pulled that rope extra tight so her elbows joined then cinched it all down.    
"No need for more rope now.  You are not going anywhere and even if you did jump over you're not a Navy Seal so I doubt you could swim 10 yards with your hands tied like this.  But just in case let's do the feet as well.  I know a frogtie sounds good.  Gives you some freedom but you ain't going anywhere."

He pushed her down to kneel on the vinyl covered bed area then looped a rope around her ankle and upper thigh.  Pulling tight he looped it round a number of times then cinched it.  She tried to rise and found she had no leverage in her legs.   The other leg followed and he turned to his bag.
"Now a nice gag.   What do you reckon.  We need something useful but it needn't be too severe, no-one is around to here you.    Ah this will do admirably."  His hand came out waving a leather covered hoop with a myriad of straps off it.    She had seen pictures of a ring gag before from evidence of an old case but never seen one close up.   Absolutely she had never had one in her mouth before but sadly realised she was about to break her "duck".   He raised it up to her eyes then placed it on her lips.   "Open up for Daddy now.  Let's not have a fuss.  It will be much easier if you let me put it in without any fight."   Glumly she decided he was probably right so opened as wide as she thought he could.   Not enough she suddenly realised as he twisted it in under her top lip against the teeth then levered the bottom in with force.   Pulling the straps either side behind her head forced it upright widening her jaw and the ache was immediate.  Those straps were buckled to the last notch until they cut into her cheek.  Another strap went under her chin and forced her to bite down even more.    Quickly she started to drool and the saliva dribbled embarrassingly down her chest between her breasts.

"Now where do we start for the preliminaries.  I know, we have your mouth open so lets use it.   You must have done a blow job at least once in your life so"..he undid the button on his shorts and dropped them down, " let's start now and see whether you need more practice"   So saying he grabbed the back of her hair and forced her open mouth over his ever growing tool.  Her nose mashed into his crotch and a mass of coarse pubic hair as she struggled to breath.  "Now you use your tongue Teresa and use it well.  I want to be transported to heaven and back, you can't use your teeth so don't bother trying just a slow gentle slurping will do to get it all started."   So saying he began to pump her mouth in and out on his swollen tool.   She gagged and twisted to get free and away from this disgusting flaccid smelly organ but to no avail.  He controlled her mouth subtly like a conductor with his favourite orchestra altering the tempo to fit his rising exhilaration.   He made it last as it was a first.  The first time he had managed any kind of sexual act with 'The Teresa Lisbon' but in the end he rammed her face hard into his crotch and she felt the tremors building in the rock hard flesh within her mouth then he came in gushing spouts, straight down her throat.  He rested as his tool slowly lost its blood flow and subsided then he pulled out.  She retched and tried to spit out the remains of his sperm but a ring gag stopped the act of spitting so a small flow of white goo seeped out the corner or her lips and down onto her chest.  He pushed her back onto the cushion and she lay, exhausted, no longer caring what happened to her; she knew he had complete control over her body.  She had to stop him gaining control of her mind and will power.

He jumped up and sauntered off to return very soon with an open can of beer which he proceeded to slurp noisily while she flopped listlessly on the cushions.  Her arms and shoulders ached after the long hours tied whilst her legs kept flopping open showing off her nicely coiffed pubes and its offerings below whilst she kept trying to keep her legs together.

He too half an hour to recuperate all the time boasting to Lisbon how he had kept tabs on the CBI chase for him then turned on his side and smiled at her.

"Right Teresa round two.   Do you want it front or back.  Makes no difference to me as I will do both holes sometime tonight but your choice now.  Never say I forced my self on you with no thought for your feelings" he chuckled.  She could make some words through her open mouth although discernable sentences were difficult.    

"Nnnnoooo.  Neever.  Leethe me ..lone."
"You have to choose now"
"Nnnn..oo.  Wont, shant, go way."
"OK looks like I choose.  Perhaps I'll toss.  Yes that's it now where's a coin.  Ah here we go.  Heads it's front, tails it's back.  Or do you want it the other way.   No answer oh well, don't say I didn't ask you and give you the choice.   Now...."   the coin tumbled then rolled on the GRP deck.   "Tails it is so better get you turned over for a back door entrance, heh Teresa.   Don't worry this ill be fun and you will feel it."   Teresa had no doubt about this.  Until yesterday no-one, nothing, not even a Doctor had invaded her back entrance and she still felt the swollen flesh where the insert had been.   Rolling her over he bent her legs so her arse rose into the air.    Her face buried itself into the cushioning and she had to turn her face sideways to breathe.   She felt his fingers start to smear something cool and greasy into her hole then felt him grab her hips and the pressure followed by the pain of the swollen head forcing it's way through.

Again he was not pressured so slowly built his movements, in and out, in and out as the boat also rolled in the gentle swell and the sun dipped behind the horizon.    It took twenty minutes as by now even he was feeling tired from all this sexual activity but in the end he sealed her hips against his groin and grunted aloud to the stars as he sprayed himself inside her.

"Now sleep a bit Teresa love.    We'll finish in the morning with a good solid fuck which you must be used to."   He rolled her over onto her back, cuddled down beside her and very soon was snoring softly as she struggled to get comfortable on her tied arms and the constant pain of her bonds.   Her jaw ached and she drooled down the side of her face but she could do nothing to help.   After some time tiredness took over and she fell into a drowsy part sleep, part half-sleep.

The sun was just starting to come up when she was awakened by Red John opening her legs and moving between them.   She was dry and recoiled, as far as she was able, when his hot moist lips touched her crack.   Slowly he worked on her bud and around her pleasure centre until, despite her fear and disgust, her body reacted and she started to moan and writhe.    A few more minutes and he mounted her and started to rut away.   Again he made it last and she was almost cumming herself by the time he grunted and spasmed, holding himself rock still fully inside her as he spewed his fertile seed through her.   He was not interested in her pleasure however and soon pulled out then rested for fully 30 mins as she twisted and turned with pain trying to find a position where she did not hurt.  To no avail.

"Lovely Teresa, hope you slept; I did, like a log.    Best sleep for weeks but then my mission is almost over.   Once Patrick comes I will be able to kill him then, well who knows about you three, perhaps release but perhaps I'll sell you on to the brothel owners in Mexico City.   They like experienced anglo's I'm reliably informed.    Now let's get you and the others up, clean, fed & watered so we can get on our way."

Quickly he undid the ropes around her legs and she, gratefully, stretched her limbs which had been tied now, one way or another for over 24 hours, with little respite.   Grabbing her arms he pulled her to her still tottery feet and marched her to the cabin hatch.     She staggered down the steps and was pushed into her chair at the table.    Again her ankles were linked around the table leg as he turned to the others.   Both were now awake, indeed secured as they were, it was doubtful if they had managed to sleep and in turn they were also dragged to the table and secured around a leg.    

"Now ladies, same as before.   Each in turn into the wash room.  Quick shower, toilet and teeth in whichever order then back out here.  We have a good days sailing so I need to get on and get you breakfast.    Cindy you first"

Half an hour later all three were back at the table, secured by the legs around a firm wooden table leg but otherwise free of all restraints and gags.   First time for three days for Grace & Cindy and one day for Teresa.    They were tucking into a, surprisingly good, meal of pancakes and maple syrup with fruit to follow and as many cups of coffee as they needed.

After they had finished each was again allowed a few minutes washing themselves before the day's festivities.   All three sat attached by their legs to the table as he opened a storage chamber beneath one of the bunks and brought out lengths of leather belt & short chains.    Holding one up they saw it was the same Prison Restraint model worn before.  A wide belt around the waist, buckled behind, with a short chain running through a large ring at the front and with a handcuff link at each end.    Quickly these were applied to each girl and the cuffs double locked although not that tightly, just enough to stop them pulling their wrists back out.    Ostentatiously, he held up a small padlock and locked the buckle behind Grace, then did the same to the others.    No words were needed; they understood their wrists were not coming free without keys.   The next addition surprised them as a thin leather collar was also padlocked about their necks, but each had a small bell tinkling at the front.    He also attached a similar bell to the back of each waist belt then loosed their legs from the table leg and reattached them with their 14 inch chain between them.

"No sidling up to surprise me now ladies.    You have the free run of the deck above as we go, not down below here though and not on the bridge.     Otherwise as we have to get on you can just enjoy the sun and sea and trip. We have another 36 hours to our destination, far enough but close enough for Patrick to find you all if he sets to it.   You also are clever enough to see if you go overboard no way can you swim especially as we are some 200 miles from the coast Now up you go."    Rising they walked stiffly to the hatch and soon realised the reason for the bell.  Each made a lovely musical tingling as they walked and they saw he would easily have advance warning of any of them.

The day passed pleasantly in a surreal sense.  Teresa had never before wandered around naked except in the close confines of her apartment yet here she was in close proximity to two friends also nude.  The restraints allowed some movement of the hands and they were able to walk slowly and carefully.    Red John was up on the flying bridge under cover watching all his instruments to make certain no-one was chasing them as they motored on at 15 knots.

Despite their predicament, the girls tried to take their minds off things by normal chitter chatter.    Day to day things and slowly Cindy came back to of her shell.    He even threw down a bottle of sun cream after a bit as the sun was beating down strongly which they liberally plastered on each other giggling and smiling

The night followed as before, strapped down to a bunk much tighter and gagged, so he could also get some sleep.   Food was plain but good and the kidnapping eased from their thoughts.
Two days later they saw from their vantage point a small island appear on the horizon which Red John steered for.    This was plainly a small dot on the ocean midway between Mexico & south California.     As they approached they saw an inlet over hung by shady trees and mangrove.   He steered into this and they saw a small wooden jetty at the end for it was only around 200ft long. Nudging the boat to a stop against the wood he jumped off mooring rope in hand, and tied it off to a cleat.    As the girls watched him and tried to get the jump he dug out three thin chains like dog leads from the locker and cam over.    A quick snap of the buckle and Teresa's collar was secured at front by a lead and the chain left hanging.   Another lead was snapped onto the back of her collar and joined to the front of Cindy's, then onwards to Grace.   Red John now had his slave coffle and the girls were helpless to act independently.   Tying off the other mooring rope he tugged the lead chain and the girls obediently followed slowly, hesitantly off the boat, then shuffled off the jetty onto the cool sand as the shelter from the overhead trees kept everything cool.   Ahead they now saw three tin & wood shacks hidden between the tress next to a bubbling stream which ran into the sea by their feet.

They shuffled like an old-style chain gang up to a very dirty dilapidated tin roofed shack which they found was to be home for...however long it took. The real worry, inside the hut, however was its sole occupant a very miserable, dirty, angry and ugly looking brute who plainly had no real liking for any member of the human race let alone police.
"Meet my friend Paulo," offered Red John. " He looks after my place here and makes certain strangers don't come snooping.    He will be looking after you and, I must advise, don't make him angry.   You really would not like him angry and, whilst I do wish to keep you alive to ransom you for Patrick, we have no real need for this.  You are expendable if you cause mischief."

*************** Two days earlier

CBI headquarters and Jane, on his battered old leather sofa, closed his eyes and considered the most recent murder case they were dealing with. But something was always in the back of his mind, where was Lisbon. He tried phoning but it had gone straight to voicemail so he left messages.  Cho and Rigsby had no idea where Van Pelt was either. She had gone on a diving trip with Crime Reporter Cindy Thomas and was due back this (Monday) afternoon so thye were not unduly worried yet, although Rigsby had found it unsettling Grace had not phoned or answered his calls.   Probably out of cell range he decided.

One little doubt and worry moved slowly up the back of Jane's brain, Van Pelt and Lisbon both missing, this was very unusual and it was even more unusual for them not to have been in touch by now.    Raising himself he swung his feet off the sofa and decided to drive over to Lisbon's apartment and see what he could find.  He was beginning to have a very bad feeling about all this.

The doorman, who had seen him before, was happy to open the door as he had also not seen Teresa for a day.   The afternoon man had not thought to tell him about Teresa's troubling exit the day before.   Patrick walked into the apartment which seemed empty, clean, tidy and unruffled, but then he noticed two towels lying on the floor by the bed.   Her shoes and jacket were just thrown over the chair and the drawers of her dresser were half closed as though someone had hurriedly hunted through her clothes there.   Her other work clothes were piled on the bathroom floor.   All these things were enough to spread the tingles of doubt in his mind when there was a knock at the open door and there stood the bulk of Agent JJ La Roche

"Hi Patrick," came the usual whisper," any ideas where Agent Lisbon is or has gone.  I heard the talk at HQ and came straight over.  It's so unlike her to go AWOL at all."
"Hi JJ, no idea about Lisbon.  Things are disturbed but not enough to say anything for certain but wait look here...."

He carried on looking for clues. Underneath her pillow on the bed, which he saw as being disturbed slightly, he found an envelope addressed to Patrick J.   Inside the three words "come and get us."     He recognized the writing and more importantly recognized the red smiley face drawn beneath the message.     Shattered Patrick onto her bed and passed the note, silently, to JJ.   He read it closely then brought his phone out.     The next two hours passed in a blur as JJ organised the troops to find and talk to everyone in the building and any other employees off work.  Also they needed to look for any CCTV around here.   This was personal as one of their own had been snatched.

Later JJ sat in a chair and faced Jane.   
"Patrick, you have to snap out of this.  We all need you...Lisbon needs you now, clear headed and thinking of everything about Red John and where he would take her.  The message seems to mean she is alive as he wants you to find them, so come on; clear your head."
"I'm trying JJ but this is so personal.  My thoughts keep getting clouded by worries about her.   I can't do this.  I am too involved....too close to her and him.  I can't clear my thoughts; I am, we all are too involved."
"Patrick, you have always been so good at sorting your mind, reading between the lines.   Now for the love of God, she needs you firing on all cylinders."

"JJ, it is very dangerous 'reading between the lines' when you are standing between the rails."

The End


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