Gingers Evening

By Bob2300

with contributions by Zenetx.


Part 2

  There were pockets and draws under the bed that must have contained untold numbers of bondage supplies kept close to hand. Between them they produced roll after roll of thin rubbery tape that stuck only to itself and not to Gingers skin. Not that she could see this, but she could hear the sound of the material pulled from the roll. Her fingers twitched once, a different mistress pressed her lips to ginger's gently biting and licking her. Then with the distraction in place they wrapped her hands. Her fingers were pressed together, with a couple of layers they became useless mittens. They wrapped both her hands together palms pressed tightly in place, until they were pretty much useless. Then they got another roll of much thicker material to go over her arms from her finger tips to arm pits.

  They pulled it really tight moving slowly and carefully, stretching out the material to make it lay as flawlessly as possible. The Mistresses got several hair dryers out and began to gently warm the tape. Ginger soon started to feel nervous despite the warm kisses and the teasing caresses. The material was slowly melting and shrinking around her limbs, making her arms even more useless than the para cord had. She whimpered and was kissed on the lips. A hand squeezed her buttocks and another darted between her legs. They pulled out more of the heavy tape, Ginger was pushed onto her back. One of them knelt on her shoulders as similar restrictions were wrapped around both her folded legs. Two tight layers and then they began the same heat treatment on her thighs. They moved her around giving her bonds a second layer of wrapping and another go with the blow drier. Her arms and legs were useless fused rubbery dead-weight at this point, she had no way to get free.

  One of the mistresses binding her planted a sensuous kiss on her lips, then before she could react her own panties were forcefully stuffed deep into her mouth, the mistress working them in there with her thumbs. Ginger whined in protest into her own undergarments, but they were hardly finished gagging her. Her jaw was forced open as two sets of hands force-fed her a very large sponge completely filling every corner of her mouth. Ginger tugged on her bonds and whimpered into the gag in protest. Of course they were still not finished, the packing material was compressed dramatically by the next article. The other paraphernalia was followed by a massive jaw aching ball gag. It had some sort of wide tube running through it in the middle, not that Ginger could see that part. Her teeth were clamped onto the ball as it was lodged in her jaw. A strap was pulled tight behind her head, causing straps to cut into her cheeks and another strap was pulled under her chin. The straps were locked in place. Ginger would not be making any complaints or using her safe word any time soon, one of the captors licked over the top of the gag and giggled.

  Ginger tried to say anything but the gag was absolutely massive. Her jaw was completely filled and stuffed. She was now blushing with humiliation at the thought of being gagged with her own undergarments. Still she told herself that they were very fresh. But she had been quite aroused on the way over, so really they were not that fresh now. She was blushing even more at the thought, feeling the silky material at the back of her throat. This was far more intense than anything she had ever come up with on her own.

  The three mistresses began to cuddle and play with Ginger's aroused frustrated body. Suddenly one mistress peeled away from the game getting off the bed. A moment later they returned bringing over a bucket. She could hear it slosh about and Ginger was worried about the unknown. In a moment they produced a tiny wet leather arm-binder from the bucker, it came soaked with rawhide laces. She didn't know what they were doing until they started to pull yet another redundant layer of binding over her arms. Ginger whimpered as they had to use all their strength to manoeuvre the leather over the rubber already binding her limbs. She was held in the embrace of one mistress, her face cradled between her rubber covered breasts to keep her calm. The captors had to pull the straps over her shoulders and pull them tight to force the binder higher and higher up her arms. Until the rubber wrapping her fingers hit the bottom pocket of the fiendish leather contraption.

  They applied a strap from her wrists to her shoulders on the binder, it was shortened again and again. Until her arms were held in a chicken wing position. It was merciless and absolute agony for Ginger to be restrained like this. Her arms formed an L shape pointing away from her body, her elbows sticking out very painfully. They were very conspicuous forcing her body to flex in an almost inhuman way with her spine bending backwards, the position was very strict. Her shoulders were wrenched back to agonizing proportions. This forced her large breasts to be thrust forwards to an absurdly prominent degree.

  Gingers efforts to struggle against this new unbelievably tight layer of binding were truly pitiful. She could feel her muscles protesting, her tendons ache. She fought with all her might and the leather barely creaked. It simply held her tightly in position. There was a whir and she could feel a hot draught against her skin, she screamed into her massive gag. The mistresses had a pair of hair dryers using them to warm and dry the binder. It shrunk the leather around her limbs tightening it further. Suddenly there was a hand stroking her between her legs offering pleasure. She could feel the terrible binding contracting around her pinioned limbs. Her arms were totally paralysed, she was completely unable to resist anything that they wanted to do to her. She was starting to really sweat nervously. They were really serious about her bondage being mercilessly tight. She was getting more and more worried as they added layer after layer to her bonds. She couldn't remember all the options she had ticked. It was far too much for her and with the gag she couldn't communicate any of this to them, as much as she desperately wanted to she was forced to live with her error.

  The bucket was not empty, they pulled out two more objects from the bottom. Ginger could hear the slosh and felt a new wave of dread rising in her tummy. They pushed her onto her back holding her down easily, all the time squeezing and cupping her body. Her bound arms hit the mattress and she tested the gag. She struggled finding every aspect of her bondage thoroughly escape proof and impossibly tight. Ginger got a sharp slap to her bottom and immediately settled down, the hands continued to run up and down her body. She was tightly trapped and she might as well accept it. The evil little mistresses began to do the same thing with leather sheaths on her already bound legs. It was a concentrated effort to pull them over the top of the tight rubber. The leather works ended with a tight cuff round her ankle and a thin strap around her instep. The tighter they bound her the more intense the sensations from there touch became to their little prisoner.

  They laced them up tight, so tight that her flesh bulged around the leather. All through this one of them cradled her head and stroked her as if she was some restless animal. Then the hand dryers descended again to dry the leather. Making all that material clamp down on her folded legs much tighter. Her arms were crushed her legs were crushed, this was far too intense for her first session. She felt like she would faint at any moment. Ginger was desperate, she couldn't even make a tiny noise the gag was to thorough. She couldn't beg them to stop or slacken off the restraints. Under normal circumstances each individual mistress wouldn't stand up to her muscular body. But bound like this she can't resist at all, she was totally at their mercy which seemed to be severely lacking.

  Her legs were pushed down so that she was lying on the bed. She felt a hand cup her chin and she felt the touch of something against the bottom of her face. Ginger tried to struggle more vigorously as what turned out to be a rubber muzzle with tubes was brought close to her face. She hated it as the thick rubber tubes were forced up her nose. They had a very small internal diameter that limited how much air she could breathe in. She really couldn't resist as the muzzle was securely strapped to her face. Bound like this she was frantically gasping, it was cruel and diabolical. She had really bitten off much more than she could chew! This seemed to be more than a game, they were really focused on sadistically binding pretty much every inch of her body. Then they were all over her licking her nipples, reaching between her legs petting and kissing and cuddling her bound body. They seemed to be more turned on the more tightly they bound her, and to be honest so was she. She whimpered whined and sobbed into her gag, her cries full of pleasure fear and arousal.

  Her captors backed off for a moment, she was left to stew. Ginger could hear the clink of more buckles and groaned realizing that something else was being prepared for her. Two of the women eased her up by her shoulders and the third slipped something under her waist. To add to her struggles a leather clincher was wrapped around her waist. They took a sadistic glee in strapping it very tight. It was laced mercilessly shut so that she couldn't take in a full breath of air. The prisoner was rolled over onto her front, her wrists were connected to the back of the waist clincher. Held in place with a rather sturdy strap that was locked in place. Now it was not that she could move her arms about much anyway, but the loss of what movement she had was still resented. After adding that restraint she was rolled back and they continued where they had left off. Kissing and licking her breasts running their hands up and down her bound body keeping her very excited. The muzzle forced the ball deep in her mouth the sponge and panties were now far worse, being so tightly gagged and blindfolded was so infuriating. She had dreamed about this but in her dreams she was allowed to explode in ecstasy this was a bit more frustrating.

  She was not finding this experience to be all she had dreamed about. Ginger had been given the option of going for a light first session. Instead she had made it as heavy and intense as she could. Now she was suffering as a result. Ginger could feel a panic rising in her chest as there was a creak of rubber. Suddenly a tight stretchy rubber discipline hood was pulled over her head. It had gromets that were lined up with her nostrils and the whole hood was allowed to snap into place tightly enveloping her head. The mistresses took a few moments to line up the tube from the gag with the hood and to smooth out a few wrinkles. Before she could relax a wet leather hood was pulled over the rubber hood. The breathing holes were lined up with the hood and the feeding tube, it was also tightly laced in place. She was feeling isolated and frightened in the hood. They stroked her bound body to calm her down a little playing with her nipples and her pussy lips. There was the whir of a hand drier and the outer hood got much tighter, it was far harsher like a second skin isolating her from the rest of the world.

  Ginger swore that she had chosen a stuff gag or a muzzle gag. Or either a leather or rubber hood not all four together and yet hear she was suffering under so many layers. She had made a fundamental mistake of some sort with her choices. It was far too late as her chin was pulled back and a strangling posture collar was added around her neck. It was swiftly buckled and locked in place. She could feel a pair of blunt spikes pressing into her neck and a weight on that side of the collar. One of the mistresses tightly gripped her neck it was a cross between a passionate embrace and a submission hold she whispered into her ear,
    "Taser collar". She whimpered into her gag, she had to ask herself what fucking reason could they have to threaten her with something like that? And what point in the fine print had she missed, when she had not opted out of extreme electro shock play? And how did that somehow make her more aroused to be in such a position?

  For a moment the captive was rolled onto her front, there soft hands caressed and stroked her body. she wondered what the hell was going on. It would be some addition to her bondage, she hated to guess what. Ginger's head was suddenly yanked back further than the posture collar had forced her. The back of the hood was strapped to the elbows on the binder. It was a very taxing and punitive position that the prisoner couldn't escape from, she was sandwiched between the dominant women. They put in a lot of effort to make it very tight, very secure without any hint of slack on any of the bonds. One of the mistresses embraced her and planted a kiss on her gagged lips. The prisoner objected but the gag caught her objection quite easily. She wanted to thrash against her bonds, but she didn't have an inch of leeway. No slack to do anything with her arms or her head. She was caught fast like a fly in a block of amber, a passive recipient of her captors perverse will. The mistress clamped her fingers over Gingers nose for a fraction of a second to watch her pathetic struggling then let her gasp for air again.

  She was spanked on the bottom a few times, her buttocks jiggled against the concerted force. She cried into the gag and tried to thrash around. Her efforts to resist were pitiably pathetically small. An icy chill ran down her spine as rubber gloves started to prod and probe her helpless body. Suddenly a stiff nozzle was pushed into place, copious amounts of cold lubricant was forced into her rear with a large metal syringe. Again her gag caught her squeals of abject humiliation and desperate refusal. She knew what was going to come next, they would stuff her like a turkey. A large ribbed rubber plug was held up against her back passage and rubbed about. She realised to her dismay that it was actually turning her on as it was gently worked inside her body, all the while she was cradled and cuddled. Then with a firm push it was forced deep between her buttocks. It moved in a few inches then it was pulled out. The tormentors moved it backwards and forwards then hammered the it all the way in.

  She was plugged up fast with a giant stopper, the wide flange wedged between her buttocks. Ginger was rolled over, something was attached to the front of the waist clincher. The plug was pushed deeper as it was strapped in place with a Y shaped strap that left her aroused pussy exposed. Her ass was uncomfortably full of humiliating intrusive rubber that would likely remain there for the foreseeable future. They stroked and patted her bottom then the strap was pulled tight between her buttocks, then securely linked to the back of the waist clincher and locked in place.

  Ginger was rolled over onto her tummy, they bent her body and then before she understood what was going on her toes were tightly tied to the tip of the arm-binder. She was locked in a cruel tight hog-tie that was inescapable. The captive tugged on her bonds experimentally and found them to be plenty solid, her big toes would not slip free. This was not like her fantasy this was too tight this was not what she signed up for. She wouldn't be going anywhere, not that she could before the two sets of bindings were linked. She had so little movement she was so tightly packaged that she couldn't bear it. But paradoxically with the bindings in place she had no other option but to bear it for as long as the session would last, as long as they wanted to keep her.

  Suddenly she was being cuddled and kissed and squeezed again. By now Ginger had realised the pattern, that this was a prelude to even more bondage. Suddenly a pair of thick rubber straps were added around the base of her breasts, making them bulge almost comically. Turning her pale skin a deep shade of red. They were topped off with a pair of tight nipple clamps that the mistresses screwed down onto her prominent hard nipples with a sadistic amount of force. They were then on her engorged perky assets squeezing and kneading her breasts. Kissing her body stroking her legs and licking her navel. She was desperately horny with all this stimulation. They only delicately very lightly touched her pussy, making her even more desperate to be pleasured as she wiggled trying to add a bit of stimulation.

  There was an ominous sound, a jangle like a bundle of leather belts hitting the bed. Methodically the captors rolled her backwards and forwards like a bundle of luggage. So many more straps and padlocks were added onto the arm-binder and leg binders. Absolutely silly levels of reinforcement were used to tie her down and tighten her bonds. If she was a professional escape artist or a powerlifter she would remain trapped like this from now until the end of time. If she spent twenty hours a day struggling for a month, then it would still be useless. Any hint of escape was long gone. Any possibility that she could ever wriggle free from her bonds was gone by the time that the para cord was pulled tight and the knot melted in place. When she struggled the leather creaked and the padlocks jiggled a little, her efforts were truly pathetic. The struggling seemed to only excite the women who were holding her captive. It seemed to make them determined to bind her even more strictly, Ginger figured that she must look incredibly hot like this.

  They pulled a web of straps over the mattress, very quickly Ginger found herself strapped to the bed. There was a recess in the mattress for her arms. Her body started to disappear under layers of diabolical straps as they pulled them taunt at her neck waist and knees holding her legs spread very wide. All of the leather work seemed to be designed to work together to hold a sub helplessly. To enable access to the most intimate parts of her body. Ginger was a bit embarrassed about how exposed she was. However she was still turned on, it was mixed with the shame of being so luridly displayed. There soft hands felt so good over her tightly bound body, she was still enjoying her predicament on some level, it did make her wonder how long her session was going to last by the time her two hours were up they would have just finished binding her at this rate.

  Ginger thought about it, her predicament and treatment was a bit harsh but she was still into this. She had ticked every option on the form, not expecting them all at the same fucking time. Still she was turned on by the idea of being forced into really tight bondage and being dominated mercilessly by a trio of sexy lesbians. However after hours of teasing her frustration had built up to the point where she was a boiling kettle of desire, about to bubble over on the inside. They held her so close to achieving release but perpetually denied her. When she thought that her time was up and the frustration would be over she got a shock. She had fantasied about being kidnapped and held as a kinky prisoner. They merely told her that her Mistress had made certain arrangements. She mumbled at them through the gag that Patricia was most definitely not her Mistress. But it was rather hard to argue with that much material stuffed between her lips, not that they would have paid her words any bit of attention if she was able to speak.

  They explained to her that Patricia had contacted the club, she had generously paid to upgrade her friend from a two hour session to a full two week program of relentless stringent domination frustrating teasing and perpetual denial. There were certain horrific conditions, if she was allowed to orgasm even once then Patricia would get her money back as a full refund. It would be paid for out of the three mistresses wages. So Ginger was definitely not being allowed to orgasm, even if they had to use the taser to calm her down. They were all professional Dominatrixs with years of experience handling subs, she was completely screwed!

  They took a lot of pleasure in slowly explaining that she would not be allowed one moments rest, they would be taking shifts to keep her entertained around the clock. They kept stroking and caressing her body, Ginger would not be released from her bonds for a second. They went into great and chilling detail about the enema and catheter that they were going to give her, emphasizing each sentence with a little smack to her flanks. She was more enthusiastic about the idea of a sponge bath in bed. There little prisoner was not particularly happy with the idea of being force-feed through the pipe in the centre of her gag. She would effectively get a thin soup and energy drinks as her diet, she could then suck them through the sponge and her panties.

  Under the hood she turned red with humiliation as they slowly explained her full predicament while continuing to tease her body, squeezing her curves like ripe juicy fruit. She would not be un-gagged for a second. It was monstrous a horrific torture to keep someone bound like this and yet still turning her on, to be bound in this inescapable way, she released every bit of control. Ginger realised that she should have read the papers before signing them. She had been far too eager, now she had landed herself in a very tight inescapable trap.

  Now the last vestige of reason and dignity evaporated, Ginger really struggled like a mad woman upon realising this predicament was not some sort of odd joke. She had gotten exactly what she had fantasised about. She screamed as hard as she could until her lungs felt like they were burning. She was trying to pull her arms and legs free from there tightly pinioned prison, rolling backwards and forwards as much as the straps would allow. Trying to get some part of her bound body free from some tiny element of the ridiculously rigorous restraints. She found that she was totally helpless, there was no way out. The three Asian Dom's knew there bonds. Her restraints were adjusted to remove the tiny little bit of wiggle room that she had left. The gap that she had just demonstrated to them with her last desperate panic at being advised of her imprisoned predicament.

  After the previous two hours of being played with Ginger could feel her mind churning. Well her body really, she was so desperate to come it was maddening. She was starting to think that after a week of edging what could happen to her. She thought deeply, in fact she knew that she would be completely broken. Her body would be ready to submit, her mind conditioned to obey whatever was done to her. She wanted them to stop oh she desperately wanted them to stop and yet the next moment she desperately wanted them to continue to add just that little bit more to her predicament to spur her onwards, and yet they didn't. No matter how much she wished that they would.

  Her fantasy of long term tight unforgiving bondage had turned into a nightmare and the friend who she had trusted was probably going to collar her and take her as a tightly bound pleasure slave. And yet that thought seemed to excite her rather than terrify her. The sisters continue to spank nuzzle and lick every part of her pinioned body. Were her cries from excitement or dread? under the massive size of the gag it was really hard to tell!

The end of this scenario.


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