The Abduction of Lisa Macklin



            It was a normal day in Los Angeles.  The traffic was heavy but the white paneled van with the ladders on the side was making its trip rather easily.  The driver wearing some sunglasses calmly changed lanes getting in the far right lane so that he could get off of I10 and onto a more sparsely populated road heading out of town.  Suddenly a cell phone next to him goes off and he turns down the radio in order to answer it.

            “Hello,” the man says, “No, I’m not your mother as you can tell.  No, she’s not available to talk right now.  Well, she’s tied up at the moment and she’ll be that way for quite a while.”

            He suddenly slams the phone shut, rolls down the window and throws the phone out with it landing in the other lane where it is immediately crushed by a semi going the other direction.

            The van driver smiles as he sees the phone crushed, turns his head slightly and speaks into the back of the van.

            “That was your kid.  He sounds like a good boy.  You better pray that you’ll get to see him again,” the man says as he glimpses at the bound woman lying right behind his seat.

            He turns back around and continues to drive.


            In the back of the van was a 42 year old mother of four named Lisa Macklin who was just out shopping for groceries but now is lying on the floor-board of the van bound hand and foot, gagged and blindfolded.  Lisa is the latest victim of a vicious serial kidnapper and will endure 6 to 10 hours of bondage with the psycho.  That is unless her husband doesn’t pay the ransom and then she will die a very violent death like another of the kidnapper’s victims.  The professional kidnapper is a 25-year-old named Antonyi Sadrin, a former Russian mobster.  Antonyi was forced to defect from Russia about two years ago and made his way to LA.  Once there he saw so many gorgeous women and so much wealth that he decided to use some of his experience to subsidize his livelihood.  So he decided to grab a young model one day and demand a $100,000 ransom from her agency.  He was amazed at her beauty so he forced her to strip naked before he tied and gagged her.  The agency paid the ransom with no police being called and he released the young model unharmed.  Since that one was so easy he did it again, this time grabbing a 17-year-old high school girl as she left the bus.   He held her for another $100,000 ransom and once again released her after it was paid some six hours later.  Over the next six months Antonyi had made $500,000 with his kidnappings.  They were quick, easy and the victims were nice to look at.  He sometimes had fun with them by fondling their breasts and occasionally fucking them.

            Lisa was going to be his last grab in LA before he moves on to another city.  He knew that the cops were getting close and he needed to change his venue and lay low for a while until the trail cooled.   Antonyi makes sure that he is obeying all of the traffic laws so as not to attract any attention as he drives his van down the highway.  It is the middle of the day and he has kidnapped a woman in broad daylight so it is important not to get stopped by the cops.  He is good at this.  Lisa is lying still groggy from the taser that was used to render her unconscious so that she could be dragged into the van and tied up.

            So for the next hour or so Antonyi drives across LA.  By the time he pulls onto the side road that lead to his shop where he keeps his victims, Lisa is fully awake and screaming into her cleave gag.  She is fighting to free her handcuffed wrists which can not be budged.  Lisa listened for anything that would tell her where she was at and where she was being taken.  She could hear the radio but not much else.  She could occasionally feel a pothole or a set of railroad tracks but because she was out for so long, it was impossible to know where she was.  She prayed that she would see her family again without knowing why she was kidnapped and who her abductor was.

            Finally Lisa could feel the car slow, make a right-hand turn and come to a stop.

            “Well, we’re home, lady. I do hope you will find your temporary accommodations as comfortable as possible,” Antonyi says as he opens the side of the van and pulls Lisa toward the edge.

            Lisa can feel as Antonyi lifts her up and puts her over his shoulder.  She can tell by the heat that they are in a garage so screaming out or being seen was futile.  She could feel it when they climbed two steps into a house.  Antonyi now had his latest kidnap victim safely in his home and it was time to make her comfortable and to make that ransom call.

“Hello, I need to speak with Brad Macklin.  Yes, it’s important.  Well, a matter of life and death.  Thank you,” Antonyi says with his cell phone to his ear, “Mr. Macklin, yeh, you don’t know me but you better listen if you love your wife and the mother of your kids.”

            Lisa is standing beside him with his other arm tightly holding her around the neck.  She is fighting back the tears as she can hear her husband of 20 years trying to find out what this guy wants.

            “I have your wife.  What do you mean?  I have kidnapped her and she is standing beside me bound and gagged.  OK, here she is,” Antonyi says.

            Brad Macklin has insisted on proof that he has Lisa so he has demanded to talk to his wife.  Antonyi knew that would happen and he was prepared for it.

            “OK, not a scream just tell your husband that you are safe for now, understand?,” Antonyi warns as he pulls Lisa’s gag out of her mouth, “Now talk.”

            “Brad, do what he says?  I’m scared.  I’m sore from the bonds around my arms and I’ve been gagged tightly.  I want to see you and the kids again so for God’s sake, give him whatever he wants,” a near hysterical Lisa cries into the phone as her husband tries to comfort her.

            Antonyi shoves the gag  back into Lisa’s mouth and continues his call to Brad Macklin, “OK, as you can hear, she is alright.  If you ever want to see her again, it’s going to cost you $100,000.  Don’t give me that.  I know you can get the money.  You have until 6:00 to get the money or else I will slit your wife’s throat and dump her in the ocean.”

            Lisa is crying and trying to scream loud enough for her husband to hear as Antonyi finished up his call.


            “That’s right, Mr. Macklin, $100,000 in small, unmarked bills by 6:00 or I will kill your wife.  Good, I’m glad we have an agreement.  I trust you will not call the police because if I even suspect that they are involved I will kill her, that is a promise.  I will call you again by 4:00 with the drop details.”

            Antonyi closes up the cell phone and drags his helpless captive into another room.  Lisa strains to see what is in the room.  The room has no windows and just one door.  It has a TV and a reclining chair in front of it.  It also has a wooden kitchen chair sitting to the right of the TV and she can see a pile of rope lying on the floor beside it.  She screams into her gag as she realizes what he is planning on doing to her.  She is going to be bound to the chair while he keeps her.  Lisa is confused when Antonyi comes over and unlocks her handcuffs.  She immediately brings her wrists to the front and rubs them trying to get the feeling back.  She reaches up in an attempt to pull her gag out but Antonyi stops her with a loud voice.

            “Don’t touch that gag, lady, or I will hurt you,” Antonyi warns grabbing Lisa’s hand and bringing it back down, “No, I have taken the cuffs off for one thing and one thing only.  STRIP!”

            Lisa shakes her head vehemently protesting and begging with her eyes trying to change his mind.  But this was part of Antonyi’s M.O. so he was not going to change his mind.

            “Don’t stall, lady, I told you to strip and you better start or else I will hurt you badly,” Antonyi warns reaching for Lisa’s blouse ripping it a bit, “Now unless you want me to continue, you better start doing it yourself.”

            Lisa Macklin had no choice.  She was in no position to argue with her kidnapper holding a gun on her.  She slowly unbuttons the remaining buttons on her blouse and slowly slides it off her shoulders.  She drops it to the floor below her.  She stops and hesitates hoping that was enough.

            “Very good, now let’s get the jeans off,” Antonyi orders looking at Lisa’s bra-covered breasts.

            Lisa unzipped her jeans and slithered out of them.  She stopped and looked at Antonyi with pleading eyes hoping that she could keep her bra and panties on.

            “Don’t stop there.  Strip means everything must go,” Antonyi answers her glance waving his gun at the half naked mother of four, “You have ten seconds to reach back and unhook that bra or else I blow your brains out.”

            Lisa had no choice seeing the gun cocked at her head.  She quickly reaches behind her and within seconds the white bra slides off of her shoulders and down to the floor.  She covers her exposed breasts as she pulls her panties down her hips and then down to the floor.  She steps out of them still trying to cover herself from Antonyi’s leering eyes.  She hadn’t been naked in front of anyone but Brad for more than 20 years and now there she was standing in front of her kidnapper trying in vain to cover her private parts.

            “Very nice body for a woman your age but you mustn’t keep yourself covered like that,” Antonyi says walking toward the naked woman.

            Lisa cringes and tries to push Antonyi away as he lunges his hands toward her.  He pulls her arms away with one of his arms and with the other grabs one of Lisa’s large dangling breasts.

            “These are so nice for a woman your age that has had so many kids.  Maybe later you can show me how you do in bed.  Remember the other way you live is to cooperate totally with me,” Antonyi warns continuing to work on Lisa’s breasts, “But now fun time is over for now.  Put your hands back behind your back and touch your wrists together.” 

            Lisa was expecting to feel the steel of the cuffs as they went back around her already sore wrists but she suddenly saw out of the corner of her eyes as she twisted her head around, a coil of coarse, grainy rope in Antonyi’s hand.  She felt the rope as it started to be wound around her wrists.  One loop, two loops, then three, four and finally five loops were made around her wrists before he took the rope and wound it over those loops.  Finally they were bound and she couldn’t hardly move her wrists let alone free herself.  She begged him through the mufflings of the gag to loosen the rope but Antonyi had no intention in making her captivity painless.  He got off watching his victims suffer while their loved one was frantically scurrying around gathering up the ransom to free them.  For the next fifteen minutes, Lisa Macklin, stay-at-home mother of four, would suffer the cravings of a psycho who liked his victims naked, bound tightly and gagged severely.  The only thing that poor Lisa can take solace in was that Antonyi was no killer and she would soon be back in the loving arms of her husband and kids because she knew that Brad would pay the ransom and free her.  But when was the question that raced through the mind of the woman as she slowly lost all freedom at the hands of Antonyi Sadrin.

            “OK, sit down and don’t move around to much if you know what is good for you,” Antonyi warned as he pulled Lisa back toward the chair behind her.

            Lisa is very submissive since she realized that the only way she can survive is to cooperative.  Once she sits down, Antonyi pulls her bound arms over the back of the chair and picks up some more rope.   Lisa is in a state of shock.  How could this be happening to her?  She went on a routine trip to Walmart for groceries and now she is naked, kidnapped and getting tied to a chair.  How could it get worse?

            “You ever been tied up naked before, lady,” Antonyi says trying to carry on a one-sided conversation as he wound the rope, “Well, I hope that you won’t have to endure this very long.  It all depends on your loving husband, doesn’t it?”

            Lisa winces in pain as Antony ties a rope tightly around her elbows that have been pulled close together.  Why was this necessary?  She wasn’t going anywhere after all but she didn’t know that Antonyi got his sexual pleasure having his helpless victims in maximum bondage.

            Once that was done, Antonyi picked up another length of rope and started winding it under Lisa’s mature, drooping large breasts.   Lisa had always been proud of her large breasts that got bigger after four kids but now she cursed them as Antonyi was taking great glee in binding tightly with rope. 

            Soon Lisa looked down and saw about six or seven loops of rope digging into her skin just above her breasts and another half dozen below them.  Her mature boobs were dangling carefree over the rope as Antonyi brought the remainder of the rope down over her left shoulder taking it down between them and pulling it under the bottom ropes.  He took it back up over the right shoulder and tied it off at her wrists.  He moved back in front of Lisa, felt her exposed crotch and then grabbed some more rope.  He started tying her legs to the chair and Lisa was petrified as he pulled her left leg over and started winding some rope around her ankles attaching it to the chair leg.  He was tying her legs spread apart like he was going to keep her private area exposed to him and easy for access.  He wound six or seven loops around her ankle and then went to the other leg and proceeded to do the same to it.  Lisa prayed that he would at least tie her knees together but she was dismayed as he pulled her knees to each leg and bound them spread as well.   The next thing he did was enough to make Lisa cry loudly into her gag.

            Antonyi walked over to his captive and showed her a large white bullet-style thing.  Lisa immediately recognized it as a vibrator and she feared that he was going to make her wear it.

            “I am not a very nice host, am I?” Antonyi says as he places the vibrator right up against Lisa’s bare crotch, “I do plan on fucking you later so I do need you to be prepared for my big dick.  This will get you quite ready.”

            Lisa cries and shaked her in protest as he tapes several pieces of duct tape over the vibrator and her skin holding it tightly next to her hairy crotch.  It was going to be horrible for the mother of four.  Why was he doing this?  Wasn’t he just after a nice hefty ransom?  Or was he after more?

            Before he turned it on, Antonyi slowly pulled the soggy cloth gag out of Lisa’s mouth.

            “Please, don’t do this?  I have children and a loving husband.  They wouldn’t want me to be raped so I beg you don’t.  No, I don’t want that thing in my mmpppphh,” Lisa pleads as Antonyi suddenly pulls a huge red ballgag out of his pocket and shoves it in her mouth.

            Lisa couldn’t stand it.  It immediately hurt her jaws sending the pain right up to her brain.  Antonyi buckled it tightly behind her head making sure that it was tight enough that she would not be able to spit it out if she tried.

            “Sorry, but you’re going to be making a lot of noise in just a few minutes and I can’t risk someone hearing all of your moaning and groaning.  Besides I can get some sleep without having to worry that you’ll be able to spit out your gag and scream for help.  Just relax and enjoy your new experience.  I promise I’ll turn it off within 30 minutes,” Antonyi laughed as he finishes buckling the ballgag behind her head.

            Lisa was hysterical.  How could someone treat another human being this way.  I mean it was one thing to hold her for ransom and threaten her life.   It’s something else to torture her while keeping her bound, gagged and naked in a very hot sleazy apartment.  Her jaws hurt badly from the horrible ballgag stuffed in her mouth.  The ballgag fit so tightly that most of the ball protruded out of her mouth.  To make matters worse she was starting to drip drool down her naked body from behind the ball.  She was starting to sweat as well and two liquids were mixing together on her large bare breasts.  The sweat was making her itch as well and there was no way to scratch.  Soon the drool and the ballgag became a meaningless fact as the vibrator started working very well.  Lisa jerked and jerked again as she started orgasming uncontrollably.  She had had many orgasms before but not any this long and this intense.  She was afraid that she would herself to death.  All  the time Antonyi just sat across the room from her watching TV, drinking a beer and eating a sandwich.  He didn’t seem too concerned for his captive’s ordeal.   

            For nearly an hour, not a half hour like Antonyi promised, Lisa jerked and jerked from the vibrator.  She begged her kidnapper with her eyes and with some muffled cries as the orgasms became more intense and more prolific.  Finally Antonyi got up and walked over to his exhausted captive.

            “I’m sorry that I let you sit here so long but I got involved in that intense movie and didn’t want to miss the ending,” Antonyi says as he comes over and turns the vibrator off, “I imagine you’ve never had a sexual experience like that before.  Wow, you’re sure wet down there.”

            Lisa raises her head to look at her brutal abductor.  She is exhausted, sore and glistening with the heavy sweat that she has exuded.  She was almost at the point where she didn’t care anymore.  She was very relieved to have the vibrator turned off and then when she saw Antonyi pull the hideous thing away from her crotch.  Nothing he could do to her after this short of killing her would be any worse that having that damn thing in her that long. 

            Meanwhile Brad Macklin has been scurrying around trying to secure his wife’s ransom.  He had been told by Antonyi not to go to the cops but he had no choice when his banker suspected something was amiss.  Now the FBI had entered the case as well because of the serial nature of Lisa’s abduction.  They were able to get the needed cash for the ransom and were sitting at the Macklin waiting for Antonyi to make that phone call around 6:00 to tell Brad where he can take the ransom.   It was only 4:30 and Brad wondered what his loving wife was going through at the hands of her kidnapper.  If only he knew.

            Lisa Macklin’s ordeal at the hands of her brutal kidnapper was gone from bad to worse.  Antonyi has released her from the chair after removing the vibrator but he kept the ballgag in her mouth and kept her wrists bound and forced her to walk over to the bed.  That was a few minutes ago.  Now Lisa is viciously tied spreadeagled on the bed with her wrists tied to each bedpost and her legs were spread and tied likewise to the bottom bedposts.  Antonyi is now on top of the mother of two pumping away and has been doing it for over a half hour.  Lisa is crying in pain and in horror as she is brutally raped by this psycho kidnapper.  Antonyi is having a lot of fun but it is suddenly interrupted by his cell phone.  He jumps quickly off of Lisa who continues to jerk from the constant orgasms that he produced.

            “It better be your husband with my money,” a naked Antonyi tells Lisa as he picks up the phone, “Hello, Mr. Macklin, I hope you love your dear wife.  Good, you are very cooperative.  No, I’m not going to let you talk to your wife but I can tell you that she is very nice in bed.  Don’t you dare threaten me.  I still have your wife tied up and gagged and guess what,  I have stripped her and fucked her mercilessly so don’t try and threaten me.  Here, look at what I’ve done to her.”

            Lisa cries as Antonyi turns his phone and brings it down to her face to show Brad what is happening to her. Lisa showed the fear that had taken over her quivering body.  The mother of two was convinced that she was not going to live through this so she sort of used her eyes to tell Brad how much she loved him and the kids.

            “As you can see, your dear wife is still alive but very much ready to come home.  So here’s what you’re going to do, Macklin,” Antonyi says bringing the phone back up to his ear, “You will leave in one hour and drive to train station.  Once you’re there, I will call you and tell you where to leave the money.  Once I get the money and make sure that you haven’t involved the cops, then I will let you know where you can find your wife.  Now I have to go and finish fucking your wife.”

            Antonyi closes up his cell phone and climbs back onto the bed.

            “Now where were we,” Antonyi says as he crams his dick back into Lisa and starts pumping again, “We’ll do this one more time.”


            Brad Macklin puts the phone down and looks at the FBI agent standing beside him.

            “Did you get a trace?” Brad asks.

            “No, he wasn’t on long enough,” the agent says with regret.

            “Damn it.  You said that if I kept him on long enough you could get it,” Brad says angrily, “He’s raping my wife and will probably kill her and you guys can’t get a damn trace.”

            “Listen, Mr. Macklin, we want this to end well and based on this guy’s M.O. it will but he is smart enough to know that the cops are involved despite what he said,” the agent answers back, “Get the money ready and make the drop.  He will make a slip up and we’ll get him this time.

            “My wife’s life is in you guys’ hands.  This better work,” Brad says walking away.


            Several hours pass and it is now time for the ransom drop.  Brad Macklin is placing the last of the money in a briefcase.  The money has been marked by the FBI which bothers Brad but he hopes that they know what they are doing. 

            “OK, Mr. Macklin, do everything he demands.  We are going to follow from a distance so when he grabs the money, we will get him,” the agent says.

            “What happens if my wife isn’t with him when you nab him.  I don’t want to lose my wife, understand?” Brad says wearily closing the case and preparing to leave.

            “Trust us, we have the experience.  We will get this guy this time.  You’re the first victim to involve us and we will have everything covered.”


            Meanwhile back at the motel, Antonyi is just finishing up his work on Lisa.   He is toweling off after taking a quick shower after his last rape of the exhausted semi-conscious victim.  Lisa had been taken out of the spread-eagle and retied in a tight hogtie on the bed.  She was too tired to even attempt to free herself as Antonyi took his shower.  She just prayed that her ordeal would soon be over but if only she knew the real story behind her kidnapping.  

            “Well, if your hubby does indeed love you, I guess it’s time to go,” Antonyi says as he bends down next to Lisa, “Only thing is that I have to knock you out again.  I think this time I will use chloroform.  Good night, Mrs. Macklin.”

            Lisa doesn’t have the strength to fight the fumes and is soon unconscious.

Antonyi wraps her up in a blanket and carries her out to his van.  He comes back in, picks up all of his gear and Lisa’s clothing.  He locks the door behind him, gets in his van and drives off.  He briefly stops at the office to turn in the key without ever letting on he had a kidnapped woman in the back of his van.  Antonyi laughs as he gets back in the van.  He can’t believe that he had successfully hidden another victim right under the noses of motel workers and no one suspected a thing.

            He slowly drove out onto the highway and was soon driving on the Interstate.  Antonyi knew exactly where he was taking Lisa and he would be there in about a half hour.  Lisa was out cold from the chloroform so she was oblivious to where he was taking her. 

            Antonyi drove for almost an hour until he got to a secluded storage unit complex.  He coolly got out of his car, used a key to unlock the gate and then drove inside.  He drove back to the last row of buildings where he stopped in front of number 200.  He got out, unlocked the padlock on the door and opened the door.  He got Lisa out of the car and carried her inside the unit.  It was filled with a lot of old equipment except for a wooden chair that sat behind a wall of boxes.  He placed the still unconscious Lisa Macklin in the chair, went out to the van and grabbed some more rope.  Quickly he started binding the helpless woman to the chair.

            By the time Lisa started coming around, Antonyi was tying off the last rope.  He had Lisa bound very tightly to the chair in the dimly lit storage unit.  Being to move was going to be impossible let alone escape.  Lisa Macklin tried to move around but Antonyi made it nearly impossible.  She wondered why he had done this.  He was getting his ransom so he should have just left her tied up in that motel room.  Why had he chose to take her to this hot, stuffy storage building and to bind her so tight and thorough?

            Lisa could see her plight.  Not only were her wrists still bound behind back but he had tied a lot of rope around her chest again.  This time the rope also secured her to a chair.  She had a lot of rope above and then below her breasts.  The rope was once again taken down between them and taken back over her shoulders.  He even took the rope right over her nipples and each rope was lashed to the chair.  A rope was also wrapped around her waist.  Lisa had rope wound just below her crotch, above her knees, below her knees, halfway down her legs and then around her ankles.  Each rope also went around the chair as well.  He took a rope and pulled her ankles as far back as he could before tying it off back at the bottom rung.  Lisa couldn’t move let alone struggle to get free.

            She wanted to plead with him but Antonyi had made sure that speaking and screaming would be impossible.  Not only did she still have the ball gag in her mouth, but he had also wrapped a large piece of cloth over that and then wound electrical tape completely around her mouth.  Why was he doing this and what did he plan to do?  Lisa soon found out the answer and it was bad.

            “Well, I see you are going to see me off after all,” Antonyi says running his hand down Lisa’s sweaty body, “I’m sorry that it has to end but I do have to start my retirement.  I am very grateful to your husband for the ransom and for that little added bonus.”

            Lisa’s eyes get very wide at that news.  What bonus?  No, it couldn’t be she probably thought.

            Antonyi continued, “Oh, I see you didn’t know about the bonus, did you?  Well, of course not.  Well, it seems that your dear sweet hubby wanted to divorce you but he would give up a lot of his inheritance in those nasty court procedure so he contacted me about kidnapping you.  He figured that I could make my final score and he could get rid of you without doing it himself.  Me, I don’t care but he didn’t want to do it himself.  So he is sending me another $200,000 once I get to the Cayman’s and in return I make sure that you die.  This way I get what I want and he gets rid of his nagging, bitchy wife and makes it look like a kidnapper did it.  I don’t mind doing his nasty business since I got to fuck a nice piece of ass.”

            By now Lisa is pleading with her eyes as she sees Antonyi rig the dynamite bomb that he is planning on leaving with her.

            “Here, I will leave this sitting over here and give you about ten minutes.  I don’t think you’ll be able to reach it and especially when I blindfold you,” antonyi says as he ties a cloth over Lisa Macklin’s eyes, “Goodbye and in case someone would come around to try and save you, I am attaching a gun to the door so if anyone opens the door it will trigger the bomb sooner.  I’m sorry and I’ll give your husband my condolences.”

            With that Antonyi sets the timer, kisses the trembling, screaming housewife and then leaves bolting the door behind him.  Lisa can hear his car start up and hears it go off in the distance.  Now all the blindfolded, bound and gagged naked woman can hear is the devious ticking of the bomb and the beat of her own heart.  She prays that someone will come and save her.  She is also angry at Brad for doing this to her.  How could he hate her so much that he would hire this monster to kidnap her and do all of this to her?     

            The time goes by very slowly for the doomed mother of two.  She can hear the kidnapper’s car pull away and can also hear the ticking of the bomb as she struggled to get loose.  She can hear cars nearby on an interstate highway so if she could get out of this storage building she would be able to stop someone to get help.  After all a naked woman would stop anyone. But get loose, how, in less than ten minutes.

            Unfortunately Lisa couldn’t get loose in ten minutes but the bomb didn’t go off.  It seems that Antonyi didn’t trust Brad Macklin so he rigged a fake bomb so that it wouldn’t kill Lisa Macklin.  She would now have time to free herself.  It took her almost five hours to finally loosen her wrists enough to free herself.  She quickly managed to untie all of her bonds and remove her gag and blindfold.  Lisa sat there and cried for a few minutes in relief of being free from her horrible ordeal and also angry over Brad’s nastiness.  Lisa had to still disarm the gun and open the door.  She took the gun with her for protection.  There she was walking out of the storage building complex stark naked, holding a gun as she walked.

            Lisa Macklin was discovered by a passing woman who quickly let her in her car and gave her the cellphone to call the cops.

            “Hello, this is Lisa Macklin and I need to talk to the head detective.  I have been kidnapped, raped and almost killed and I know who did it.

            Brad Macklin was arrested and charged with kidnapping and solicition to commit murder.  Antonyi was never found despite Lisa’s thorough description of him.  He just vanished just like all the other times.  Brad Macklin was convicted six months later and sentenced to 20 years in prison.  Lisa got a divorce and all of her husband’s inheritance which was millions.  Antonyi did indeed end up in the Cayman’s with a new look.  Both Lisa and Antonyi still think about their time in the motel.  Antonyi vowed to finish his assignment while Lisa surprisingly yearned for another round in bed with her kidnapper only this time without ropes and gags.    


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